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12 reports found
Actvités physiques
Test pour Senegal
Find a tobacco use fact
Find a tobacco use fact
Hypertension Fact Sheet
Retrieve data for a specific diabetes indicator
Retrieve data for a specific diabetes indicator
Test CI
Use of tobacco products across demographic groups
Use of tobacco products across demographic groups
Use of tobacco products indicators for a specific demographic group
Use of tobacco products indicators for a specific demographic group
Visualize multiple diabetes indicators for one demographic group
Visualize multiple diabetes indicators for one demographic group
Visualize multiple hypertension indicators for one demographic group
Visualize multiple hypertension indicators for one demographic group
Visualize one diabetes indicator for different demographic groups
Hình dung một chỉ số tiểu đường cho các nhóm nhân khẩu học khác nhau
Visualize one hypertension indicator for different demographic groups
Visualize one hypertension indicator for different demographic groups
Visualize one tobacco consumption indicator for different demographic groups