
Prevalence: 18.7% (11.8 million) of the adult population have hypertension

Hypertension cascade: Of the 11.8 million people with hypertension, 10.5 million do not have it under control.


WHO recommendations for hypertension prevention and control

  • Address population prevalence of hypertension through reducing modifiable risk factors such as unhealthy diets (excessive salt consumption, high in saturated fat and trans fats, low intake of fruits and vegetables), physical inactivity, consumption of tobacco and alcohol, and being overweight or obese. WHO SHAKE, MPOWER, ACTIVE and SAFER technical packages can help in this.
  • Address hypertension control (WHO HEARTS technical package):
    • Improve and expand identification and treatment (using evidence based protocols) of people with hypertension
    • Treatment intensification for patients whose blood pressure isn’t controlled and ensuring access to medicines
    • Track blood pressure control rates in clinical settings and measure population prevalence.



- Mean of 2nd and 3rd SBP measurements >=140 (M5a and M6a), And/OR
- Mean of 2nd and 3rd DBP measurements >=90 (M5b and M6b), And/OR
- Yes to the question (H3): In the past two weeks, have you taken any drugs (medication) for raised blood pressure prescribed by a doctor or other health worker? OR
- YES to the question M7 (same as H3) AND Yes to the question (H2a): Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health worker that you have raised blood pressure or hypertension?
- Total population surveyed

AWARE (diagnosed)

- Meets definition of hypertension, AND
- Yes to the question (H2a): Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health worker that you have raised blood pressure or hypertension?
- Population with hypertension


- Meets definition of hypertension, AND
- Yes to the question (H3): In the past two weeks, have you taken any drugs (medication) for raised blood pressure prescribed by a doctor or other health worker? OR
- YES to the question M7 (same as H3) AND Yes to the question (H2a): Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health worker that you have raised blood pressure or hypertension?
- Population with hypertension


- Meets definition of treated, AND
- Mean of 2nd and 3rd SBP measurements <140 (M5a and M6a), AND
- Mean of 2nd and 3rd DBP measurements <90 (M5b and M6b)
- Population with hypertension